

Liquid Staking

Tenderize is a user-friendly decentralized staking platform, launched in 2022, that enhances flexibility and liquidity in staking by offering tokenized assets and validator-specific liquid staked tokens (LSTs). The recent V2 release in early 2024 introduces features like TenderSwap and TenderVaults, which simplify decentralized staking while maintaining validator neutrality. The project has solid support from well-known investors, including Eden Block, Figment Capital, and TRGC, as well as a wide network of partners like StakeSquid and Allnodes. With rewards programs such as "The Cookout," Tenderize gives early participants a chance to earn HATS tokens, which can later be exchanged for $WAGYU, the platform’s governance token, making staking more rewarding and accessible.

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Crypto earn alerts on Tenderize

Criffy provides an ideal way to stay on top of earning programs across protocols and dApps. For Tenderize, you can easily track new earning opportunities, monitor APY changes for specific offers, and receive notifications when you can start earning interest on a particular cryptocurrency. Setting up an alert helps you stay informed about the best earning opportunities on Tenderize.

Earning crypto on Tenderize

Protocols and dApps offer various options to earn crypto, like lending or participating in liquidity pools. With Criffy, you can easily track five different earning options from Tenderize. Check the table above for all the details.

Current TVL of the Tenderize protocol

The Tenderize protocol's Total Value Locked (TVL) is currently N/A. TVL is a helpful metric in DeFi, showing the total assets users have deposited into a protocol’s smart contracts. It gives a snapshot of liquidity and the level of trust from the community, helping to show how much value a platform like Tenderize is holding.

Tenderize protocol type

Tenderize enables users to stake assets without locking them up entirely, offering a token that reflects their staked balance. This token can be used in DeFi activities like trading or lending, allowing users to earn staking rewards while keeping their assets flexible. This setup maximizes both earning potential and liquidity.

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