Badger DAO
Badger DAO

Badger DAO

Yield Aggregator

Badger DAO, launched in December 2020, is a decentralized autonomous organization that focuses on connecting Bitcoin with Ethereum’s decentralized finance (DeFi) world. In early 2021, it attracted $21 million in investments from notable partners like Polychain Capital, Parafi Capital, and Blockchain Capital, which helped diversify its treasury for stable, long-term growth. The DAO operates with the BADGER token, allowing holders to participate in community decisions and influence projects like Sett Vaults, where users can earn yield by depositing Bitcoin, and the Badger Bridge, which enables seamless Bitcoin use in Ethereum DeFi applications.

$30 198 729
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Badger DAO offers

Est. APY
TVL$626 372
Est. APY
TVL$16 288

Crypto earn alerts on Badger DAO

Criffy provides an ideal way to stay on top of earning programs across protocols and dApps. For Badger DAO, you can easily track new earning opportunities, monitor APY changes for specific offers, and receive notifications when you can start earning interest on a particular cryptocurrency. Setting up an alert helps you stay informed about the best earning opportunities on Badger DAO.

Earning crypto on Badger DAO

Protocols and dApps offer various options to earn crypto, like lending or participating in liquidity pools. With Criffy, you can easily track five different earning options from Badger DAO. Check the table above for all the details.

Current TVL of the Badger DAO protocol

The Badger DAO protocol's Total Value Locked (TVL) is currently $30 198 729. TVL is a helpful metric in DeFi, showing the total assets users have deposited into a protocol’s smart contracts. It gives a snapshot of liquidity and the level of trust from the community, helping to show how much value a platform like Badger DAO is holding.

Badger DAO protocol type

Badger DAO is a yield aggregator in DeFi, designed to help users earn more from their crypto assets through automated strategies. By pooling funds, Badger DAO places assets across different platforms to access higher yield opportunities. This process is managed with smart contracts, so users don’t have to constantly watch the markets, as Badger DAO automation handles the optimization, aiming for the best returns based on current conditions.

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