How Offer Status Alerts Work

How Offer Status Alerts Work

Jul 25, 2024

In the world of cryptocurrency, every second counts. When it comes to earning from cryptocurrency, opportunities can appear and disappear very quickly. This is why Criffy provides the “Offer status alerts” tool, which allows you to receive real-time notifications about offer availability.


Offer Statuses on Criffy

When a cryptocurrency earning offer is available for subscription, it is in the “Available” status. However, sometimes the platform temporarily disables an offer, changing its status to “Closed”. This can happen for several reasons, such as reaching subscription limits or the end of the subscription period. The current status of an offer can always be viewed on Criffy in the offer card, located in the upper right corner.

The “Offer status alerts” Tool

The “Offer status alerts” tool allows you to receive real-time notifications when an offer on the platform becomes available again. Every time the offer status changes from “Closed” to “Available”, you will receive a notification about the offer's availability. This gives you an advantage, allowing you to quickly respond and take advantage of new opportunities.

How to Subscribe to Offer Status Changes

To subscribe to offer status changes, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the offers page.
  2. Choose the offer you like.
  3. If it is closed, click on the “bell” icon in the offer details pop-up window.
  4. Receive a notification when the offer becomes available again.


All created offer status alerts can be viewed in the corresponding section on the Alerts page. There, you can also pause or delete them.

The “Offer status alerts” tool is available for Pro and Pro+ users. You can find detailed information about subscriptions in the “Plans and Pricing” section.

Benefits of Using “Offer status alerts”

Timely notifications: Receive real-time notifications so you don’t miss out on profitable offers. Convenience: No need to constantly check the offer status manually. Efficiency: Quickly respond to status changes and seize earning opportunities.

With Criffy and the “Offer status alerts” tool, you will always be aware of new earning opportunities in the cryptocurrency world. Subscribe to offer status changes and increase your chances of success!

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